Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Patrick Hatcher
Please continue to pray for Steve's brother. He is a patient in Orlando with serious heart problems. I was amazed with the faith of his wife and just had to post it as well. I hope you are encouraged with her testimony and see the impact of our prayers. Thank you!

"Some people are wondering how we are doing emotionally. We are really doing well. We're relieved to finally be getting some answers. I am grateful they are keeping him in the hospital until it is really safe to send him home. We are so thankful -- really just brimming over with thanks -- that he is in such a wonderful medical facility with such a top-notch doctor. We could not imagine having more confidence in the medical care he is receiving.
We also have a peace beyond our own understanding that comes only from our Father. Though there have been moments of fear, overall we have had real peace. We continually think of Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." And when a fearful thought comes racing into our minds, we remind ourselves of this verse and fix our thoughts on God instead. And He does keep us in perfect peace.
We have laughed a lot in the past few days. Even in the ER Sunday night, we were joking with the nurses.
At some point in the hospital, I was sitting and thinking and praying and I realized that I was not confident Patrick would be OK, in the sense that he would heal from this and live a long life; however, I was confident that even if Patrick were to die, God would still be in charge, and He would still be good and loving. My confidence has not been that the circumstances will turn out the way I would like them to -- all neat and tidy with a happy ending. My confidence is that none of this has surprised our Father. His plans for our family are good and perfect, and I am resting in that truth.
And so we are joyful. We are excited to have answers, excited that the ICD seems like the best invention ever right about now, excited to know that we have the best team of doctors, and even more excited that before God even formed Patrick, He numbered his days. (Psalm 139)
We have been so encouraged to see God’s hand in this, working every detail out perfectly. Our faith has grown and we feel so blessed to know that our Father Who is sovereign over all the universe is also sovereign over every tiny detail in our lives. When I keep my mind steadfastly fixed on Him and how I’ve seen His fingerprints and how He has ordered and orchestrated so many specific things, it is difficult to fret or worry.
We really do serve an amazing and loving Lord.
Love in Him,
